
All members, as part of your application to our club, are required to have read and understood and agree to abide by the rules and regulations laid out in the constitution, by-laws, and standing resolutions of the club. If you are a current member and have not reviewed these documents recently, please do so now. (available on the Main Menu DOCUMENTS link).

If you are considering an application for a new membership, please contact the Secretary using the Main Menu CONTACT link. There is a onetime $50 initiation fee plus a yearly fee of $85 for regular members – use the link below to download the membership form with complete fee details. You must have the Basic RPAS Qualification (or greater) from Transport Canada, and follow the Canadian Aviation Regulations and Standards (CARs) to be a member of our club. Please note that you must also be a member of MAAC (with it’s accompanying insurance coverage) and Fees to join MAAC are approximately $90/yr for open members (less for Juniors) – see the MAAC website (link at top left of page).

Download Membership Form.